Visiting the Dermatologist: A Blog

How To Treat A Skin Rash

Skin rashes can take many forms. Usually, they're red and itchy, although they might feature welts, sores, or hives as well. Rashes aren't usually dangerous, but they can be very uncomfortable. When you suffer from a rash, your first concern is probably going to be alleviating your discomfort. Here are four tips that will help you treat your skin rash:

1. Relocate to a cooler area.

Sometimes rashes are caused by heat or a combination of friction and sweat. Relocating to a cooler area may make your rash go away. Even if your rash isn't caused by heat, hot weather can exacerbate your itching and pain. Sitting in the shade or better yet, an air-conditioned room, can help you feel better quicker.

2. Wash the affected area.

Your rash may be caused by contact dermatitis, which is a sort of irritation response triggered by a foreign substance. Allergies commonly cause hives and contact dermatitis. In order to make your skin stop reacting, you'll need to get the offending substance off your body. Wash the affected area thoroughly. If possible, it's a good idea to take a shower and change your clothes, since the substance causing your dermatitis may be elsewhere on your body as well.

3. Utilize antihistamines.

Histamine is produced by your body to fight off substances that it erroneously believes might be dangerous. Antihistamines can calm your body's natural response, which can make your rash disappear. Taking oral antihistamines can provide relief when you're suffering from a rash. However, you should be aware that oral antihistamines may make you feel tired and groggy. Topical antihistamines are another option. This medication can be applied directly to your rash, and it should provide relief from itching and stinging.

4. Visit your dermatologist.

Sometimes rashes happen only occasionally, in response to unusual circumstances. If your rash persists or you chronically experience this skin condition, you should see your dermatologist. Chronic rashes may be a sign of an ongoing condition, which can be managed with lifestyle changes and medication. Your dermatologist can examine any active rashes and take your symptoms into account so they can come up with an accurate diagnosis.

Eczema and rosacea are common causes of rashes, and you can reduce their severity by avoiding harsh soaps and detergents. Your doctor may also prescribe steroidal medication to keep flare-ups at a minimum. Don't be afraid to ask questions about your diagnosis.

To learn more about treating skin rashes, contact a company like Desert Dermatology & Skin Cancer Specialists