Visiting the Dermatologist: A Blog

Does Your Teenager Have Acne? How You Can Help Them Combat It

If you remember being a teenager, then you probably remember how rough it could be. Not only did you have to juggle things like friends, boyfriends/girlfriends, and school, but you also had to deal with a changing body. You may have struggled with acne growing up but did not feel like you got the help that you needed from your parents and dermatologist. If your teenag

How To Prepare For Mohs Surgery

Mohs surgery is frequently used by dermatologists to treat skin cancer. It is commonly prescribed when skin cancer is found on visible areas of the skin, such as the face and hands. Here are four things every patient can do to prepare for Mohs surgery. 1. Study up on the procedure. Knowledge can be soothing. People often fear the unknown more than they need to. Before

3 Reasons To Schedule An Appointment At A Dermatology Clinic

Most people think about going to the doctor once or twice a year for their regular checkups. That's a good thing when it comes to your general health. There are areas of health that often go overlooked, however, and one of those areas is skin health. When you consider your skin makes up the largest organ that you have, it's critical to ensure that it's healthy. There

FAQ's About Dermal Fillers

It used to be that the only way you could look more youthful was to go under the knife for something like a face lift. Although surgeries are still the best way to get long lasting results, there are some other less-invasive options for you like dermal fillers.  FAQ: What Are Dermal Fillers? Dermal fillers are injections typically made out of a substance like hy

What Procedures Are Part Of Melanoma Cancer Treatment?

When it comes to skin cancer, all forms are dangerous. However, melanoma may be the most dangerous type of all. According to the Melanoma Research Alliance, melanoma is the most fatal type of skin cancer. Fortunately, early detection can help you get the treatment you need to make a full recovery. Self-examination will allow you to find any suspicious lesions to show